Industry solutions for digital marketing | FIRE8

Industry Solutions

Success through expertise

Sector-specific solutions for successful online marketing from day one

Our sector-specific solutions empower companies in the healthcare, e-commerce, fashion, and B2B sectors to up the pace of innovation and grow their business.


Now you too can benefit from our experience!

Reach New Patients


Fire8 develops patient-centric strategies which help you grow your customer base and reduce marketing costs.

Whether you’re a doctor with several practices or a hospital chain with thousands of employees: For an increasing number of patients, the Internet is the first stop for locating reliable healthcare services. Medical service providers can use the advantages of digital marketing to enable sustainable growth.

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Digital Revolution

Fashion Industry

Gain new business partners and boost sales in your B2C online store.

Customer contact with fashion brands and their products is no longer bound to specific locations. Today’s typical customer journey is non-linear. Fashion businesses face the challenge of consistently meeting customer expectations across multiple channels. Fire8 offers marketing solutions which are tailor-made to meet the needs of fashion companies. 

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Boost Sales


Our superior e-commerce marketing delivers long-term growth in sales, ROI and CLV.

Power over e-commerce is increasingly shifting to digital online platforms. The result is a fragmented customer journey and a significant loss of control over the sales and marketing pipeline. E-commerce service providers are faced with the challenge of increasing customer contact while simultaneously converting increasingly complex customer demands into actual sales growth.

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Quality Leads

B2B Companies

We help B2B companies to generate qualified leads and convert those leads into income.

Modern B2B customers take matters into their own hands. They inform themselves about potential business partners before making contact. This makes inbound marketing built on a solid content strategy the secret of successful B2B. Potential business partners want to understand exactly what it is you offer. At the end of the customer journey, you have to offer content which helps your buyers make informed decisions!

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